Sam Went Flying on Jan 21 -
For photos of Sam's (and Steve's and Paul's) flight on Jan 21
click here. being forged as source of a SPAM campaign -
Once again the domain is being falsely represented as the source of a SPAM campaign. The 'return' and 'from' addresses on these emails are non-existent names in this domain. These emails are in no way associated with the domain or the owners thereof.
I know this SPAM campaign is underway because the default mailbox receiver is getting 'delivery failed' messages from all over the globe.
Mammaw, Cindy, and Debbie are on their way -
Mammaw, Cindy, and Debbie are in the process of boarding the boat in New Orleans for their "annual" (3rd time in three years for Mammaw's cruise) Adrian Rogers cruise in the Caribbean.
Here they are in the airport:
Bulletin Board Now on the Williamson Site -
There is now a bulletin board where you may join (or initiate) family and friend discussions.
Click here for the Williamson Forum.
Visit from the North Carolina Williamsons -
Larry, Gisella, Marie, Vivian, and Victor arrived New Year's Eve for a visit. We had a slumber party for the young and healthy - Philip and Noah were deemed too young, and Joseph was ill. Gideon was in Maine with his parents, but we had the rest of the chaotic crowd over for New Year's Eve. On New Year's Day, we took 7 of the youth, along with 5 adults, to the Tennessee Aquarium

We split for a hike in the Glen or a trip to a movie after lunch. We roasted marshmallows at the campfire out back after dinner. Larry's crew left at about 11 AM this morning for a visit with Todd, Ann, and Sherri over in Nashville.
Click here for photographs of the event.