Williamson News
Ethan is a Settlers of Catan Winner! -
Ethan beat Cindy and Gerry (Nana and Grampa) at a game of Settlers of Catan this past Saturday afternoon. Here he surveys the kingdom he rules (temporarily, of course!)
Visit to New York -
Cindy and I went up to New York to visit with Andy, Lynn, and Gideon, and to help them move back to Atlanta. We had a great time, discovered another beautiful part of the country, and got the Perkins as far as Chattanooga. They were on their own the last 100 miles.
Click on the photo to go to our album page.
Two Weeks with the Ibach Children -
As most of you know, Cindy and I (Nana and Grampa) were privileged to spend two weeks with the Ibach children while Steve and Willa tramped about Mexico. I haven't posted many photo albums in the past several months due to time constraints, but I've made up for it now. There are 15 photo albums - one featuring photographs from each day we were with the kids - available on our website now.
Click on the photograph to go to the page listing the albums.
Warning! Some of those albums have a
lot of photographs.
First Photos From New Camera -
Our old Sony DSC-P50 digital camera is nearing death, after nearly 15,000 photographs. It's still struggling on, and Cindy has it in New York. However, with it apparently near death, I didn't want to be without a camera, so I spent the last several days researching a replacement (actually, refreshing that research.)
We wound up with a Minolta Dimage Z2. I came real close to a Canon S1 IS, which I think is a higher quality camera, but for a number of reasons, went with the Z2.
Here are photos 2 and 3 made with the new camera (photo one was a Subaru logo on the shifter handle of the car, made in the parking lot.
Photo one of our "fire pit" area from next to our deck:

Photo two of the same place from the same place, zoomed to max optical (10x):

Cindy'll like that. It also has full manual (we like to pretend that means "creative") control, which I'll enjoy playing with.
Appalachian Trail; Unicoi Gap to Hogpen Gap -
On June 19 and 20, Mark, Doc, Bekah, Dave, and I backpacked the 14 miles between Unicoi Gap on GA 75 between Helen and Hiwassee, and Hogpen Gap on GA 348 between Helen and Blairsville, Georgia. We started at 10 AM with the 1000'+ climb up Blue Mountain, and then headed on down to Red Clay Gap (just ask Dave) for lunch. One of us made a quick run down out of Chattahoochee Gap to the spring that is the official headwater of the Chattahoochee River. After a few ups and downs, the AT joined an old roadbed along the ridge at Cold Springs Gap, and it was a very nice walk on in to Low Gap for the night. We headed out the next morning around 9:15, and got to Hogpen Gap just before noon.

here for a photo album of the trip.
Settlers of Catan - The Disease Continues to Spread -
Here's Debbie's Victory Photograph. She'd actually won the first game she ever played, but we hadn't started the photograph tradition, so this is her second victory. Terry has also won a game (Terry and Debbie played a
bunch the first week or so after Patty and Jon became settlers.
New Addicts to Settlers of Catan -
Jon and Patty are now officially "hooked", here shown after the first victory each enjoyed this past week. New Settlers' buddies!
A Grand Lady Has Left Us -
Josephine Turner ("Mammaw" to
many) has made her long-anticipated journey home to be with her Savior. Mammaw was an inspiration to all of us with her strength and devotion. She lived the final years of her life in a situation that most of us would do anything to avoid, but she maintained her dignity, and utilized that situation as an opportunity for outreach and witness of her faith.
We will miss her, but we rejoice at her homecoming!
Click on the photo for photographs from Mamaw's funeral.
Cindy's "New" Van -
Here's a picture of the current condition of Cindy's new van. Well, it
is 2 1/2 months old.